Workforce Housing
Summary of PreK Movement
Recruiting and Retaining Teachers Through Workforce Housing
The Hawai'i Department of Education, the state's largest department with 258 schools, 37 charter schools, and over 25,000 employees, faced significant challenges in the 2022-2023 school year, with over 835 teachers resigning, including 374 who left Hawai'i. Legislators attribute this to low educator salaries and the high cost of living, which contribute to the shortage of licensed educators. To address these issues, they have identified financial incentives and affordable teacher housing as key strategies. Under Act 172, SLH 2023, the Hawai'i School Facilities Authority is tasked with implementing affordable housing to help attract and retain educators.

Approach: Design, Build, Operate, Finance and Maintain (DBOFM)
A project delivery mechanism often used by government entities for public infrastructure projects involves entering into an agreement with a private sector party, which assumes all duties related to the project, including design, construction, financing, operation, and maintenance. In return, the private party receives fees from end users or payments from the government for a specified period, after which control is transferred back to the government. This structure is preferred because it shifts most project risks to the private sector and allows the government to undertake projects beyond its financial or technical capacity.
The State of Hawai'i has Limited CIP funds to fix schools and build workforce housing
DBFOM is a realistic option for workforce housing
Repurposing of school lands for workforce housing
Private developer design, build, finance, operate and maintain (DBFOM) workforce housing
Transfer of land to HISFA
Subdivision of land by HISFA for workforce housing
Long term lease agreements
Developer DBFOM agreements
**data based on Sept. 2023 data

Pilot: RFP-SFA-23-01 Mililani HS
Pilot site Mililani HS
HISFA award of Request for Proposal (RFP) to Pacific Housing Assistance Corporation (PHAC).
Debriefings offers not selected. No protest of the award.
RFP Published 12.15.23
Offer due 05.31.24
​08.23.24 RFP award to PHAC
PHAC proposal available for public inspection. HAR 3-122-58 Public inspection
Land use process and agreements
Transfer of land process
Subdivision of land process
Long term lease agreement
Private developer agreements
Development agreements
Property management agreements
PHASE I: 5 Sites 2025-2026
Due diligence criteria for site selections
5 sites for workforce housing
PHASE II: 5 Sites 2027 -28
Due diligence criteria for site selections
5 sites for workforce housing